domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Wednesday, 05/11/2014


We made in pairs or in groups some question about Baztarrika's text.

Translate and give an answer tot he following quiestion from the Bazterrika Reading about the evolution of the Basque revival:

10. What part of the poblation is more bilingual? Explain if there has been always like that.
Nowadays the biggest bilingual part of the poblation are young people, like the graphic shows children between 10 and 14 years old are the biggest amount. It has not been always like that, in the past the older were the more likely to be biliingua and the younger were the more likely to be monolinguan in Spanish or French.

15. How has the educative system influence in the euskaldunizacion process? What are the ikastolas and what paper they have there?

It is the education system that has contributed most to spreading the Basque language. In 1980 were created the ikastolas which are monolingual private schools where it was only teached Spanish or French.

We could see that in the three educative models the Basque is integrated but the best results are shown in the B and D models.

23. Define the characteristics of the applied linguistic politics.

BILINGUALISM: It keeps the Basque language alive and it aims to normalise the us of the Basque using it normally in both formal and informal settings.

POSTIVE ACTION: It is to support the weakest, to support the Basque. And that is the reason why our linguistic policy is not neutral.

PUBLIC RESPECT: It must warrant the complete respect of the public. That is why it makes refrence to the linguistic rights of citizens, and does not impose obligationon them.

FLEXIBILITY: The cornerstones of our linguistic policy are progressiveness, flexibility and taking account of socio-linguistic diversity. But different socio-linguistic circumstances require different solutions. Because it is not only inappropriate, but pointless, to force the will of the people, we practise flexibility, but without falling into complacency in the name of flexibility and without turning our backs on active policies to promote Basque. Finally, linguistic Darwinism is the enemy of diversity in language.


Build a question and its answer out from paragraph number:

7th paragraph:


In the past, Basques were known to traditionally work as farmers, herders and fishers. However, where do majority of Basques work today?


Majority of Basques work in business and industry. 

After this, we start making the groups for the second presentation.

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