domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Tuesday, 21/10/2014


We worked around this 3 topics and the differences between them.

We watched an documentary ISNA: Is it a boy or a girl?(60')

First of all I want to say that the video makes three tipes of sexuality according to their chromosomes:
This are: Men's chromosomes: XY; Women's chromosomes: XX; Intersexual chromosomes: are both.
Also we can find men with XX and women with XY chromosomes. This could happen if the man doesn’t develop a lot of testosterone.

All of the human start with the same gender, what people don't understand is that the penis and the clitoris are the same thing. The difference is that with the Y chromosome is created the penis and then that chromosome goes creating men's capacities like testosterone for example.
It is possible that a person has a clitoris and something like a penis or that a person has ovaries and testicles. Around 75.000 children born like that in a year according to the European Union.


And we worked with the chapter number 9 as well, Sex and Gender.
Here is the link and the picture of my mindmap:

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