domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Wednesday, 19/11/2014

We were working around the two text (Arango and Delgado) that we have had summarized before. We were working specially around Arango's reading. We shared the main ideas about each text and we answered the following questions oraly.

Here is my summary of Arango's reading.

Tueday, 18/11/2014


We watched  an interesting documental about immigration.



In this documental appears a spanish people who leaves to work to another countries.

In the sixties, 2.000.000 Spaniards leave the country searching a better future, as today do the young people. They went to Switzerland, Germany, France, and the Netherlands.

Half are illegal immigrants traveling without contracts. Eighty percent are illiterate.

The story centers in Josefina who was in Nuremberg, Germany.

Wednesday, 12/11/2014


Today we study the last chapter of the evaluation, chapter numer 12, Religion.

Here is my mindmap:

And we watched a Video Clip: The Absurd Reason Why America Circumcises Baby Boys

Tuesday, 11/11/2014



We had worked in groups about religion,state and secularism.

RELIGION: is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and worls views that relate humanity to an order of existence.

El estudio de la religión

SECULARISM: In political terms, secularism is a movement towards the separation of religion and government (often termed the separation of church and state).

Wednesday, 05/11/2014


We made in pairs or in groups some question about Baztarrika's text.

Translate and give an answer tot he following quiestion from the Bazterrika Reading about the evolution of the Basque revival:

10. What part of the poblation is more bilingual? Explain if there has been always like that.
Nowadays the biggest bilingual part of the poblation are young people, like the graphic shows children between 10 and 14 years old are the biggest amount. It has not been always like that, in the past the older were the more likely to be biliingua and the younger were the more likely to be monolinguan in Spanish or French.

15. How has the educative system influence in the euskaldunizacion process? What are the ikastolas and what paper they have there?

It is the education system that has contributed most to spreading the Basque language. In 1980 were created the ikastolas which are monolingual private schools where it was only teached Spanish or French.

We could see that in the three educative models the Basque is integrated but the best results are shown in the B and D models.

23. Define the characteristics of the applied linguistic politics.

BILINGUALISM: It keeps the Basque language alive and it aims to normalise the us of the Basque using it normally in both formal and informal settings.

POSTIVE ACTION: It is to support the weakest, to support the Basque. And that is the reason why our linguistic policy is not neutral.

PUBLIC RESPECT: It must warrant the complete respect of the public. That is why it makes refrence to the linguistic rights of citizens, and does not impose obligationon them.

FLEXIBILITY: The cornerstones of our linguistic policy are progressiveness, flexibility and taking account of socio-linguistic diversity. But different socio-linguistic circumstances require different solutions. Because it is not only inappropriate, but pointless, to force the will of the people, we practise flexibility, but without falling into complacency in the name of flexibility and without turning our backs on active policies to promote Basque. Finally, linguistic Darwinism is the enemy of diversity in language.


Build a question and its answer out from paragraph number:

7th paragraph:


In the past, Basques were known to traditionally work as farmers, herders and fishers. However, where do majority of Basques work today?


Majority of Basques work in business and industry. 

After this, we start making the groups for the second presentation.

Tuesday, 04/11/2014


Here is the mindmap of the third chapter, language and communication.


Today in class we watch two videos( The Land of the Basques - Orson Welles (1955) Full documentary with Basque subs (40') ( Ver Part1: 1- 10, Part2: 10-20) of the Basque's people, the culture and traditions. And after that we talk a little bit about them.
As one of the videos was in basque, a classmate has to translate it.
One video was from the American Orson Welles. And we can watched how Basque is a different and unique Culture, with its own activities, sports,language, traditions and the way of hunting for example.

And in the second video we watched more specifically the own gastronomy traditions and our own sport tradition .


George Orson Welles
(May 6, 1915 October 10, 1985) was an American actor, director, writer and producer who worked in theater, radio and film.
In 1955 Welles had directes two documental for the BBC. In the second one, Around the World with Orson Welles, In The Land Of The Basques documental (the one that we had watched in class) he made a work about the basque country.

He said about the basque language that it's the language of the paradise or of the devil.

Wednesday, 29/10/2014


Today we had made the oral presentations about the interviews that we made to people of different culture.

My interview it was to a Bulgarian friend.

It was a really interesting and enriching activity to know more about other countries and cultures and how they life.

Tuesday, 28/10/2014


We were working around intersectionality making some activities, as defining some concepts.

Intersectionality: It is a concept often used in critical theories to describe the ways in which oppressive institutions (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism, etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another.

Opression: is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner.It can also be defined as an act or instance of oppressing, the state of being oppressed, and the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles, adverse conditions or people, and anxiety.

Ableism : This is a discrimination against people with disabilities, including the expression of hate for people with disabilities, denial of accessibility, rejection of disabled applicants for housing and jobs, institutionalized discrimination in the form of benefits systems designed to keep people with disabilities in poverty, etc.

Discrimination: Is when something or someone is distinguished from someone or something.

Privilege : It could be a right or benefit that is given to some people and not to others, a special opportunity to do something that makes you proud and/or the advantage that wealthy and powerful people have over other people in a society.

Analysis of sources:

CIS questionnaire: Is a questionnaire where are some questions related to discrimination experiences that you could suffer in some public places, services or the profesional field. But we can find political or economical questions as well.

How priviledged are you?: Basing in race, sex, orientation, gender, religion, status, disability etc. how you feel yourself,discriminates, in oppresion or priviledge.

Priviledge form: It's very similar to the previous one, here are questions related with your race, sex, orientation, gender, religion, status, education etc. And according to these areas, we can see how much discrimination, oppresion or priviledged a person receive.

Reflect on how privileged are you as a person and as a professional in the next future:

Based on the scores I received from both privledge quizzes and in how I feel myself, I deemed privledged. I consider myself to be privleged because of the life I live and the abundant opportunities I have, and had received. Ihave cover all the basic things which nowadays aren’t as normal as they have to be. And I feel more priviledge specially because here in Navarra we have better live than for example in Andalucia.

Also, I’m priviledge because I’m studying in the university and working and for a young peoplr it’s difficult to do it.

I strongly believe that in the future I will continue to be successful and very privledged in the profesional field.

How is my Working Group Presentation related to intersectionality?

In the case of our working group, I think that is very close to intersectionality because all of us did the work according to a foreign person. The people that we had interviewed were integrated so they don’t suffer discrimination. But in some cases when they search a job they have some difficulties because they are not Spanish.


I realized that I’m very privilege first of all because of the right to study and more in the university whereevery day is more difficult to access. Also because I have a home and a place to sleep hot, things that we see very usual and normal but nowadays is a very big priviledge.

From my point of view, to be a female is an advantage even we have setbacks (as violations for example) and more things comparing with women from another countries that they haven't have to stay at home doing home care things or that they have to get marriedge very young with men that they don’t love and the sufferabuses. I feel very lucky because my family and my country give me the right to choose.


  • Priviledge form.
  • CIS questionnaire
  • How privileged are you?
  • Privileged form

Wednesday, 22/10/2014


In class we worked about how priviledge ar we and personally from my point of view all of us are priviledge at least because we have the opportunity to be in the university learning something that we like.

We made in groups some survey and then individually.

CSI Quesntionnaire: I made a survey which includes many questions that covers if the individual experienced discrimination of any sort due to their race/ ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religión or beliefs, physical asapects, gender, or amount of economic resources. The questions asks if the individual has been discrimiated in any of these ways in numerous situations during daily life.

Analysis of sources:

CIS questionnaire: There are many questions pertaining to discrimination experienced in various spaces such as public places, services, or in the profesional field. Additionally, some questions directly ask how the person’s opinión on how well Spain fights against forms of discrimination.

How privledged are you?: The form scores you based on various identies. Race, sex, orientation, gender, religión, staus, disability and attractiveness are specific áreas that directly relate to if a person will experience discrimination, oppression, or privledge.

Reflection on personal level of priviledge: Based on the scores I received from both priviledge quizzes,(45 it was my score) I am deemed privileged. However even without taking the quizzes, I still consider myself priviledged because I think that I have a lot of good things in my life and the abundant opportunities. 

 RACE: White   +25
SEX: Female    -50
ORIENTATION: Straight  +20
GENDER: Cis +20

TOTAL: 45 (above average)

Tuesday, 21/10/2014


We worked around this 3 topics and the differences between them.

We watched an documentary ISNA: Is it a boy or a girl?(60')

First of all I want to say that the video makes three tipes of sexuality according to their chromosomes:
This are: Men's chromosomes: XY; Women's chromosomes: XX; Intersexual chromosomes: are both.
Also we can find men with XX and women with XY chromosomes. This could happen if the man doesn’t develop a lot of testosterone.

All of the human start with the same gender, what people don't understand is that the penis and the clitoris are the same thing. The difference is that with the Y chromosome is created the penis and then that chromosome goes creating men's capacities like testosterone for example.
It is possible that a person has a clitoris and something like a penis or that a person has ovaries and testicles. Around 75.000 children born like that in a year according to the European Union.


And we worked with the chapter number 9 as well, Sex and Gender.
Here is the link and the picture of my mindmap: