domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014


The question that my group makes.

1. Syllabus
What percentage do individual assignments count for?
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%

2. Citizenship and human rights
What are the main sources for finding my Fundamental Rights: EU and Spain? Mark all that apply.
a. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
b. Constitucion Espanola, 1978
c. Magna Carter, 1957
d. European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, 2000

3. What is anthropology?
What were the first subjects that American anthropologists studied in the 19thcentury?
a. Gorillas and apes
b. The native peoples of North America
c. African Americans
d. Pilgrims

4. What is culture?
What level of culture embodies beliefs, behavioral patterns, values, and institutions that are shared by citizens of the same nation?
a. National culture
b. International culture
c. Subcultures
d. Ideal culture

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