domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

Wednesday, 24/09/2014

                                                        DUDES AND QUESTIONS

In groups, we prepare some questions with the dudes that we had about:
  • E-Portfolios (Create your own EP + include your progress)
  •  Mindmaps
  • Any other questions (quality, time, difficulty, suggestions)

We discussed it and we talk about the Quiz. It will be:
  • The 7th of October
  •  Multiple choice and  true/ false  

We will have two options to choose (if we send the link of the e-portfolio before 8 o ‘clock on Monday)


1.       Introduction
2.       Syllabus
3.       Who is paying for the rest of my degree?
4.       Marshall
5.       Human +fundamental rights (Universal and fonda.)
6.       Main sources for finding my Fundamental Rights: EU and Spain

7.       Anthropology.

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