domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

Thursday, 11/09/2014


We had read a text about the higher Education in Spain. The text it’s about: Spain has 75 universities in total. 50 of them are public (48 from Autonomous Communities and 2 from the Ministry of Education and Science )and 25 private (7 belong to the Catholic Church). The first university was build in 1218 in Salamanca.

By the time, more girls go to the university, they increased around 40%.
After this, in the text we can find the university types and the studen’s cycles among other interesting information.
After the text, we work around a new about who is paying the rest of my degree. It was a really interesting text and very useful to know about our payment because sometimes we think that we pay everything and we are wrong.

In the new we find interesting information like:
  • Each student pay just the 15% of his/her degree.
  • The taxes of Spain are lower than United States or Japan.
  • The students pay between 732 and 1100 euros anually.
  • Andalucia has the cheapest tax per credit, 12.20€ and Navarre is the more expensive one, 18.20€ per credit. 

 My rights/ My responsibilities (Individual)

We talk about each person’s rights and duties as to have a house, education,health system…) and we discuss between us.

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