domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

Tuesday, 02/12/2014


We had a speech about the 'Ruiseñor' project which I considered very interesting and I would like to take part in. And after it, we watched a video about multiculturalism in Germany.

Video: Has multiculturalism failed in Germany? (25')

Here is the summary of the video:

First of all we watched a video from Al Jazeera which is a TV channel owned by the government of Qatar. It is accessible in several world regions and in different languages and is similar to the BBC channel.

Angela Merkel said that the multicultural society had failed in Germany. But some people as Alexander, a German boy said that for him is a stupid sentence because there are a lot of international people living there. But according to Angela Merkel, a foreign need to do three things when arrives to Germany: On the one hand, learn the language. On the other hand, comply with the democracy and find a job.

Furthermore, integration for immigrant people is so important, because they need to feel like native people.

After that spoke Nabila, a French girl who lives in London. She said that France model of multiculturalism is what made them unique. Because French people is only consider French and immigrants are consider immigrants. That’s why in France they expelled more than 1000 roma gypsies to Romania and Bulgaria. They don't accept immigrant people and they are totally separated.

In the case of UK, there is a lot of discrimination directed to Islam community.

They give us some dates as in the European Union 9,5% of the population are immigrants, more or less 730 million people. On the top are Spain and Italy. Two of them with over tha 400.000 immigrant people.

To finish, Angela Merkel said that immigrants should do more to integrate in the German society. Because from her point of view, they stayed in their cultures and they don't have much relation with native people.

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